Daisypath Anniversary tickers

September 12, 2008

There's an Ike comin'

Our dear friend, Casey, asked an interesting question when she moved to the area a couple of weeks ago and my answer was truthful...She asked if we were in the path of a hurricane very often - and my answer was not very often! Yet, here we are twice within the first month of Casey living in Texas under the gun of a hurricane!!!

I have lived in this area about 20 yrs of my life and have only been really affected by a hurricane about 8 times. Rita was the last one and we didn't get much rain from that one, just really heavy winds for a few hours...and the allergies that blew up from Southeast Texas!!! Generally, in order for us to feel the effects of a hurricane, it has to hit Galveston or Houston dead on...and guess where Ike is headed!!! We did get some rain and wind from Gustav recently, and for a few days, cooler weather. I am looking forward to the cooler temps Ike is bringing, too...next week they are expecting the highs to only be in the 80's! Whoo, Hoo!!! I might even have to wear a jacket to get the girls to school....only 70 degrees in the morn???

I know that God directs the weather and it has been really cool to 'watch' the hurricane on the satellite views. I was mesmerized to watch as Ike came off of Cuba and strengthened immediately...you could see the eye start to reform as it moved out into open waters. The Psalmist tells us that the earth is the Lord's and everything in it, and that includes the oceans, winds, the whole enchilada. I would not want to live along the coast and have to move out of the path every so often, but it is cool to watch from my far inland living room as the storm moves and grows!

On a different note, we are going to our first football game of the season tonight! And Bunny will get to march! So, I've already taken my allergy pill, plan to take a nap later on...'cause those little white pills just put me out!...and then pack up my spirit to root for Bunny's team for the first time! Of course, DD1 plans to wear one of her high school shirts, since they are rivals! Oh, the joy of teenagers!!!

Well, that is all for today...I pray your Friday and your weekend are blessed beyond your imagination!

Praise God from whom all blessings flow...

God's girl, Pamela


Marilyn in Mississippi said...

I so appreciated the comment you left on my blog "Walking in Truth" yesterday! Thank you!

Just wanted to tell you that we've been praying for you Texans and IKE! May God bless and protect you this weekend!


Luanne said...

I pray that Ike didn't get to you inland. I found your site through the message you left on Lysa's site. It is nice to meet you--and I enjoyed your blog. God bless!