However, probably 10-12 yrs ago, I heard a young man speak on the true value of creativity. I took his words to heart and tried to raise my then small girls to see true value in all that they did...writing poems, songs, drawing, whatever creative juices were flowing at various times in their life. What I didn't do, was take his words to heart for me. I still look at my 'art' as elemental. I can look back and see where I have grown and matured in my processes but I will never be Grandma Moses or Picasso. I can't ever see anyone paying $100 for a work of mine! And you know what, that is okay!!!
Well, in this season of creative slumber - Miss PD takes up so much of my time and my family gets 'the rest' - God has really been speaking this word back to me. So, I want to share with you, okay?
Gen 1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
We are created in His image, just like I am formed in the image of my parents! I have His DNA deep within me! So, what all do we know about God?
The Bible begins with the account of creation. Now, I am not like God in the fact that I could even begin to just make something out of nothing! I have to have tools...but, God is VERY creative!!! Have you been to the ocean? Have you walked through the forest? Have you seen some of the animals and creatures our God created?
Have you read the God breathed scriptures...Psalms, Proverbs, Ruth, John?? Those were penned by men, but breathed by God Himself! His poetry resonates deep within our souls, His stories tug at our very hearts.
Have you heard the music in the wind, or the water? Those were created by God, as well.
Eph 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Workmanship suggest someone pored over raw materials and used tools to create something of value! We are His something of value! We have value within matter what we do!
I want to say that I feel, according to the scriptures, we all are creative somehow! It doesn't have to be art, or music, or writing! Are you obsessed with organization? Can you look at a situation and see a better way to do things? These take creativity as well.
We watch a lot of football around here and sometimes hear the sportscasters say, "That last play was very creative!" It means that someone used a bit of their creativity to see things in a different way.
Do you feel like you march to the beat of a different drum? Maybe that is your creativity trying to unleash itself!!!
I encourage you, look around your life in the weeks ahead and really take time to see how your creative juices flow! Seek the Lord and see if this lines up with His word for your life.
I can't wait to get back to cutting, drawing, gluing and using my hands to be creative!!! If you wouldn't mind, I would love to see some of your creative, cards, drawings, writings, WHATEVER!!! Would you please upload them and share with me???
Praise God from whom all blessings flow....
God's girl, Pamela