I am just getting to 'know' Karabeth, a pastor's wife, from being part of the Wednesday meme sponsored by Lynnette and was VERY surprised to learn that she had given me an award for a blog post that showed great attitude/gratitude. This is so ironic to me because I can remember a day not too long ago that I would have been last on a list for great attitude/gratitude! Okay, so it has been 10 yrs or more but still, that hasn't been all that long.
Isn't it amazing, though, when God gets hold of our heart, not just a pastor preaching and convicting our mind or our parents yelling at us or a policeman giving us a ticket or getting demerits in school...well, y'all know what I mean! When the Holy Spirit zones in on a particular piece of my 'personality' and asks me to change...how can I say no??? (okay, so saying no might seem easier sometimes!)
That is what He did with my attitude...the stinky one! Now, as I am typing, I am concerned that I might just get a big head for confessing that I AM OVER THIS ISSUE so let me just say right now....I AM A SINNER SAVED BY GRACE and I still got a long way to go to look like Jesus!!! I still have my days where it is easier to complain, easier to yell, easier to just be icky...and those that know me, I am sorry for those days - please forgive me?
Anyway, thank you very much to Karabeth for making my day a little brighter and visiting my blog.
There are rules for posting this award and they are easy to follow, but follow you must! (see, I can still be bossy!)

1.Put the logo on your blog or post.
2.Nominate at least 10 who show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
3.Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4.Let them know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5.Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received this award.
Now that that is out of the way and you know a little more about me.... My nominees for the Lemonade Stand are: (in no particular order, of course!)
Marianne Johnson. An awesome woman of God with 3 very special children!
Micah Johnson. Marianne's oldest and a young mighty man of God!
Amy Haas. A friend of Marianne's that lost her youngest daughter last summer.
CaseyMay. A young lady that just blesses me to pieces with her love for our Lord!!!
Charity Lehmann. A lady that knows trials but knows Who holds her hand.
Larissa. One of my first blog friends. She is a Marine wife.
YAMS. Not sure how to give them this award, but they do deserve it. Melanie had a very rough Autumn but is on her way to full recovery!
Abigail Kraft. I'm just getting to know this young lady as well but her spirit through loss shows just how much she has learned to lean on Jesus.
Spring Fricks. This writer has done nothing but bless our family since we met in Dec. via blogworld!
Carolina McCurdy. What can I say? She is the most amazing woman of faith that I know. I can only wish I knew the Lord at 18 the way that she does. I could go on and on but drop by her posts and you will see what I mean! (yes, this is my daughter - my DD1)
I hope y'all can and will take the time to read through some of these blogs. God shines through in the lives of these ladies and I am blessed to be a part of their world...even if it is via computer!
Thank you for your patience, once again. Hope your weekend is blessed. If you get a chance, please pray for our church youth groups FOCUS weekend - that young people would be blessed and grow deeper in their walk with God.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow....like blog friends, new and 'old'!
God's girl, Pamela
See? That's exactly why I picked you! I love your attitude!
From one Sinner saved by grace to another :)
How awesome. Thank you for the award. It means a lot.
Thanks so much for the award! Yes, I have a facebook too--it would be great to connect with your girls! :) If you want to give me their names, I can look them up, or you can just give them mine. I'd also love to see your 18 year olds blog...can you give me the url?
In His arms,
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