Don't forget, on Wednesday's you can join in on the memories by visiting Lynnette's blog.
Yes, I know it is early but that is the memory that I have decided to share today - so I am only a few days early!
Hubs and I did not get to share our first Valentine as a married couple together. He was in AIT, training for his permanent 'job' at Ft. Sill, OK and I was here in Dallas with my parents. However, that Valentine's day, he was a sweetheart! He called me a few days before and told me to be looking for a package that I could not open until Valentine's! Wait to open a package from him??? Was he nuts???
The post office came through for him, though, and delivered said package on V-day!
What was inside, you say?

Isn't he adorable??? He has our last name imprinted on his pocket, just like a BDU would have in real life, he has a dog tag that says Ft. Sill and at one point in time, he had a BDU cap....it is somewhere between here and Ft Bragg, probably!!! We were newlyweds so this was a very poignant gift for me! I LOVE HIM!!! (the bear and the hubs!)
The next Valentine's, we were up way too early getting ready for hubs to go to the field and I was 16 wks prego! As I rolled over in bed to give him a kiss, I felt our sweet baby moving and invited him to feel. That was the very first time he had felt our baby move, Feb 14, 1990. He left that morn at 5am and didn't come home until the first week of March. No romantic dinner, no flowers, no time together.
After that, all Valentine's tend to run together. We were parents of small children and finding time and money for such a day just became a burden....physically for him, emotionally for me. I still desired the romance of the day, he didn't! Before too long, romance was totally out of the question...making it through the day became important!
Fast forward a few years, we now had one in elementary school and one still at home but I was falling in love with this man all over again and really wanted to share the day in a special way. I set a lovely table with paper goods, heart shaped balloons and red and white carnations. I was very pleased with myself!
Unfortunately, he was not pleased! I never did learn why but when he came in from work and saw the table, he blew a gasket!!! Well, I of course, melted into tears and I'm sure the block could hear the yelling and screaming that ensued...I know my children won't forget that part of it.
A few more years went by, sometimes I asked for flowers or if he would take me out to dinner and sometimes he surprised me by coming home with roses for me and our girls. His take became, "I love you everyday, why should I have to show it on this certain day because Hallmark wants to make money after Christmas?"
But this year, 20 yrs after that first love filled Valentine box arrived at my parents house, he is sharing the love again! Please, meet 'Rett:

And I am feeling very loved!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow....
God's girl, Pamela
PS - the storms blew through late last night....just moments after DD1 and I walked in the door from picking her up at work! Most of the damage is north of us but our city got hit hard not too far from us, they have not yet confirmed a tornado and more than likely it is straight wind damage but our area has some clean up to do today. Thankfully, our neighborhood was spared. However, our friends north of the border in Oklahoma are dealing with loss of life this morn due to the same storm system. Please pray for them during this time. Thank you.
Glad that you are safe from the storms blowing your way.
Thank you for sharing your Valentine's memories, the good and the bad. Love the koala!
First of all,... I am so glad the storms missed you. And I too pray for those who suffered loss.
Your story was cute, and so were the pictures. I like the little bear that you got on that first Valentine's day,... from your hubby. That was thoughtful and fun.
When something is expected of us,...like performing a certain way or giving the perfect gift, it does become a burden. I think maybe our men feel like that sometimes. They just don't exactly know how to meet our expectations so they don't even try sometimes. We women have a hard time knowing what our men want and need at times too.
But the daily acts of kindess and the sacrifices they make as they work to take care of us should remind us of how much we are loved. Sometimes I forget this.
Thanks for this Valentine story. I am going to be nicer to my husband today and try to let him know how much I love him.
A nice memory to share...
I love this story! I think men just have a hard time with this day, feeling like they won't live up to our expectations, when really we just want to know they care. How sweet of him to get you another stuffed animal again! Oh, and after writing about my wedding day today, I get on your blog and hear George Strait's song "I Cross My Heart" which was my husband and mine's wedding dance song! So, thanks for that!!
I love your first little military bear. :) Aren't men and women just different? It's so funny to think about how we think and act so differently from each other, yet we complement each other very well, don't we?
After 20 years you go another cute little love bear. How sweeeeet!
PS My husband told me about the storms - we will be in prayer for those who lost loved ones. :(
Thanks for sahring your special memories with us. The bears are really cute!
Such a sweet story! I love that military bear...I can imagine that just making your heart melt when you got it. :)
I'm so glad the storm missed you, but my prayers are with all of those who lost loved ones.
Thanks for sharing!
In His arms,
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